We’ve kept the ancient art of picklemaking; combined it with the latest in food science; and developed it into the low cost, easy to deploy, fully scaleable, environmentally friendly technology it is today:
Instant Pickling™
Fully developed and tested, this 3rd generation technology offers the following benefits:
- The ability to produce all year around at home, in commercial kitchens, small, local plants, even truck trailer plants that can be easily located next or close to fresh produce fields, farms, greenhouses, vertical farms, and markets.
- Minimal capital and land requirements, as there is no need for fermentation tank farms, associated buildings, and equipment.
- Elimination of environmentally unsafe salty and acidic fermentation brine spillage, storage, or costly recovery.
- Products, that are brined, cured, stored, and distributed in the same recyclable containers.
- 100% product yield; 12+ months storage life; always crisp and crunchy products.
- Cost savings of 20+% on production and shipping.
- The potential to disrupt the 10+ billion pickle, olive, and fermented cabbage (sauerkraut and other) processing industries in the USA and globally.
PLUS - unlike current pickled products, Instant Pickled condiments, i.e. dill chips and relishes can be frozen without loss of textural integrity, opening up new markets in the frozen food industry.
We developed Instant Pickling, based on our Rapid Pickling Process, US Patent 4,844,929 and have been improving it since. Here is the video from1988, demonstrating Vers. 1.0:
The video is pretty old but shows you how you can make pickles literally in 5 minutes. We don’t need the ultrasonic treatment anymore and can use either vacuum or freezing to turn cucumbers and other produce, as well as mushrooms, meats, eggs, etc. into pickled products in minutes.
We are ready to partner with you, if you are a:
- Home and home farm based producer.
- Deli, restaurant, food service owner, chef, and supplier
- Farmer, farm co-op, agricultural or urban farm, greenhouse, vertical farm owner/operator.
- Small or large pickle, olive, sauerkraut, and other condiment processor.
- Individual or chain food and gourmet store, deli, restaurant, caterer, or supermarket, wanting to create or upgrade your own brand.
- Entrepreneur planning to start your own pickle and condiment business.
Find out how we do business here: http://gastroplex.com, then call us at 201.399.4313 or email us at inquire@gastroplex.com. We do look forward to working with you!